Among cereals, Maize in India ranks 5th in total area, fourth in total production and third in yield per hectare. Presently only 20% of the Maize area is irrigated in view of the limited irrigation resources and the adequacy of rains of the South-West monsoon. In normal years major Maize area will continue to be grown during Kharif. Maize is known to be very responsive to better management.
The package of practices not only differs for various cropping systems in different regions of the country but also require some adjustment to meet the specific needs of the individual farmer so as to help him to increase his productivity and profit.
For realizing high yield in Kharif Maize, it is essential to follow the entire package of practices at the appropriate time. Any lapse in the execution of any one component of the package or a delay in operation is likely to adversely affect the yield level.
Choice of Cultivars
It is essential to carefully choose the hybrid of the most appropriate maturity and grain type. Ramnagar Seed Farm Pvt Ltd has offered Robinhood (Double Cross Hybrid), Sonali 222 and Stormy (Single Cross Hybrid) and Napoleon (Single Cross Hybrid) for Kharif season for Eastern States of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Eastern UP, Eastern MP, Odisha and Assam.
Date of Sowing
The date of sowing has to be suitably adjusted by making the best use of their natural precipitation and providing adequate time for land preparation for the following crop.
In irrigated area, it is most desirable to complete the sowings 10 to 15 days before the onset of the rain. This practice has given 15% higher yield than that obtained from fields which are sown with or after the onset of rains. Early sown fields get adequate time for weed management.
For rain fed areas, which entirely lack irrigation facilities, it will be desirable to sow the crop as soon as adequate amount of soil moisture has been built up to ensure germination and establishment of proper plant stand.
Seedbed Preparation
A clean, smooth, deeply ploughed but firm seedbed is ideal. It is desirable to sow the crop on ridges to avoid damage due to water logging and to provide adequate moisture in the root zone.
Shallow drainage channels should be provided at suitable intervals across the slope to check losses due to water logging.
Fertilizer Application
Besides obtaining high yield, it is desirable to build up soil fertility judicious application of the fertilizers is necessary to optimize returns for every rupee invested.
The available quantity of the farmyard manure should be incorporated into the field before sowing. A combination of organic manure and chemical fertilizer is known to give better yield and improve the soil fertility than the use of fertilizer alone.
a) Quantity of fertilizers
A balanced application of 80 to 100 Kgs N, 60 Kgs P and 60 Kgs K/ha is recommended.
b) Application of fertilizers
One – fourth of the total quantity of nitrogen and the entire quantity of phosphorus, potash and zinc (if required) should be applied in banks 5 to 7 cm deep before sowing.
The rest of the nitrogen should be applied in 2 unequal doses as side dressing. Half of the total nitrogen (50 Kgs N/ha when the total dose is 100 Kgs N/ha) should be applied when the crop is at knee –high stage (20 to 30 days after germination). While the rest of the nitrogen (50 Kgs N/ha) should be applied after the emergence of flag –leaf, but before the emergence of tassels.
The fertilizers should be applied 10 – 12 cm away from the base of the plant to avoid plant injury. Soon after application, the fertilizer on the soil surface should be covered to minimize losses.
c) Spray application of fertilizers
One or two sprays of 2% urea (spray grade with low bio – rate content) and application of micronutrient mixture can be given in 3 to 5 weeks old crop to restore the vigour which may have received setback because of delayed weeding and inadequate drainage. Higher concentration of urea should not be sprayed, as it might lead to foliar injury.
Plant Population
A population of 65 to 70 thousand plants per hectare at harvest is necessary for high grain yield. It will be necessary to attain about 10% higher stand at germination. For attaining the desired level of plant density, it is desirable to use a row – to – row and plant to plant spacing of 10 inches by 20 inches or 8 inches by 24 inches to have minimum 32000 Plants/Acre.
Seed Rate
About 8 to 10 Kgs of seed would be needed to sow one acre. Seeds should be sown about 5 cm deep to ensure good seedling growth and vigour.
Maize can be grown on rain fed regions where the distribution of rainfall is enough to ensure adequate soil moisture during the life-cycle of the crop. For construing high & stable yields, the available sources of irrigation should be tapped to provide 1 or 2 irrigation at the critical stages in years when rains fail.
The water used should be fit for irrigation. Maize is known to be susceptible to water logging as well as soil moisture stress.
Weed Control
Weeds having broad leaves and most of the grasses can be conventionally controlled with a single pre-mergence application of Atrazine @ 1 Kg/ha addition, for 2 inter-cultivations are needed to keep weeds under check.
Crop Protection
Insect Pests
The Maize stalk borer, Chila Partellus is a major pest during Kharif season throughout the country. First foliar application 0.1% Endosuifan (35EC) or 0.05% Lindane (20 .EC) should be applied in 10 to 15 days old crop followed by second application of 4% Endosuifan granules or 1% Lindane granules @ 15 Kgs/ha in plant whorls a fortnight later, if necessary.
A number of diseases occur during Kharif season in various parts of the country. Incidence of Maydis and Turcicum Leaf – blights or downy mildew may occur at times in some pockets.
The incidence of these foliar diseases may increase in the late sown crops.
The best way to avoid these diseases is to grow resistant varieties and undertake timely sowing. Application of insecticides & fungicides should be with proper dosage, dilution and perfect time.
In the absence of irrigation facilities and failure of rains, Maize may be profitably harvested at any stage of its growth. At the pre-flowering stage it may be used as to fodder and at early dough to late dough stages for green – ear and the straw may be used to feed cattle.
Maize crop grown for grain should be harvested when it reaches physiological maturity containing 25 to 30% moisture and ears should be removed before cutting the stalk.
Rabi Maize is mainly cultivated in Bihar, UP, North Bengal, Assam, Punjab and AP. Bihar is the most potential area and market for Rabi Maize. The major causes for lower yield in several Rabi Maize growing regions are the adoption of relatively low yielding cultivars and inadequate utilization of the crop production /protection resources.
The possibility of Rabi Maize can provide a major breakthrough for rapid increase in production and productivity, as yields are much higher as compared to Kharif.
Choice of Cultivar
The success and the level of profit from Rabi crop depend to a great extent on the choice of the Maize hybrid to be grown. For Rabi Season we have Hybrid Maize – Blue Chip which can be planted with close plant density and it is a very good yielder.
The recommended hybrids, in general, have given 60 % to 80 % or more grain yield than the local varieties in most of the evaluation trials, with an average yield level of 6 tonnes or more per hectare.
Sowing in Rabi
The choice of optimum date of sowing is more important in Rabi than in Kharif sowing, however, varies with the location.
The most suitable period of Sowing as per the states are given below
Bihar, West Bengal, Assam – 20 October to 10 November
Uttar Pradesh – 15 October to 10 November
Andhra Pradesh – 15 October to 15 November
Fertilizer Application
The efficiency of nitrogen utilization is better in Rabi than in Kharif, primarily because of better water management and lower leaching losses.
The available quantity of farmyard manure should be applied before sowing, since a combination of organic manure and inorganic fertilizers give better results than the use of fertilizers along.
Dose of Fertilizers
The quantity of fertilizers to be applied depends mainly on soil fertility and the preceding field management. In general, a balanced application of 120:60:40 Kg/ha of NPK is recommended.
Method of Fertilizer Application
One – fourth of nitrogen and the total quantity of phosphorus and potash should be applied before sowing. The rest of the nitrogen should be applied in two equal doses. Half of the total nitrogen (60 Kgs N/ha) should be top – dressed at knee –high stage, while the rest of the nitrogen should be applied with the emergence of the flag-leaf.
Nitrogen in the form of urea should be carefully applied 15 to 20 cms away from the plants to avoid any leaf injury. Best response from nitrogen is obtained when the top–dresses fertilizer is covered with light soil after application.
Plant Density and Seed Rate
A population of 32000 plants/acre is desirable for realizing high grain yield in Rabi.
A spacing of 8 inches by 24 inches would provide the desired plant population density. For this purpose 8 to 10 Kgs of seed would be required per acre. Before sowing, seeds should be soaked overnight in warm water (45c at the time of seed soaking).This treatment helps in obtaining better plant stand and healthy crop. Seeds should be sown 5 cm deep.
Weed Control
Broad leaved weeds and most of the grasses can be conveniently controlled with the application of Atrazine @ 1 Kg/ha before seedling emergence. In addition, 1 or 2 inter-cultivations are adequate to keep the weeds under control.
Irrigation Schedule
Timely availability of assured irrigation is one of the major factors determining the success to crop. Four to six irrigations are needed during the Rabi crop season. If six irrigations are given, they should be applied at the following crop growth stages.
- Two irrigations up to flowering at an interval of 20 to 25 days
- One (essential) at the time of flowering
- Two after flowering
- One at early grain filling
Plant Protection
Diseases/Insect problem in Rabi Maize is comparatively less.
In the absence of irrigation facilities, Maize may be profitably harvested at any stage of its growth. At the pre-flowering stage it may be used as to fodder and at early dough to late dough stages for green – ear and the straw may be used to feed cattle.
Maize crop grown for grain should be harvested when it reaches physiological maturity containing 25 – 30% moisture and ears should be removed before cutting the stalk.